Search results forshare

How to mount a Samba Share on Linux


How Can We Help? Search Print mount -t cifs -o username=YOURUSERNAME,password=YOUPASSWORD //server_name_or_ip/folder_to_mount /mnt/folder_to_mount_to/ By using the above command and by replacing the relevant fields with your details, you should be able to mount your Samba Share on Linux Explanation: mount = mounts a filesystem -t = Used to indicate the filesystem type, in this case cifs cifs =...

A2 Hosting review: Is it the fastest shared hosting service?


A2 is one of the top 10 hosting companies in the world. The company has been operating since 2001/2002 and it has launched several hosting plans for every budget. As of today, over 10K sites are hosted on A2 servers. A2 offers cloud, VPS, dedicated and shared hosting service. Is it a reliable hosting firm? Are its plans affordable? Is its support staff customer friendly? Let’s find it out...

Using Payoneer with Amazon and ShareASale affiliate programs


In you’re not in the US, sending and receiving payment from an affiliate marketing service operating in the US can be a headache. PayPal is the first choice of many freelancers, bloggers, etc. But in the last 2 to 3 years, Payoneer has emerged as a great alternative to PayPal. Payoneer is a reliable service and many leading marketing services support it. So far, I’ve received about...

Is Shared hosting bad for SEO and is it safe for your site?


SH is a type of hosting in which your site will run along with several other websites on the same server. If you are planning to purchase a web hosting plan, you may be having a doubt whether shared hosting is bad for SEO and is it safe? I will try to clear the confusion for you but before that, you should know the below important points. Shared website hosting assigns: Same IP Address to 100s of...

iPage vs HostGator shared Hosting Comparison (March 2018)


iPage and Hostgator are two of the most popular shared website hosting companies. They have a customer base of over a million users. iPage is operational since 1998 whereas HostGator brand started flourishing from 2002 onward. Both companies are reliable. Thus, many users who want to launch a new website or change the host are often confused in choosing a shared hosting service between the two...

Working tips to Reduce CPU Usage in WordPress shared hosting


Shared hosting plans are relatively cheap as compared to VPS or dedicated hosting. This is because your site will be offered around 512MB RAM (or lower) and a CPU, which will be shared by many other websites. Sites that are growing at a very fast rate should always be hosted on VPS servers (use dedicated if you require more RAM). If they’re hosted on Shared platform, their account might be...

Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress Review (latest)


Backlinks from social networks like Facebook, Google plus, twitter, etc are nofollow. But you’ll be shocked to know that Google uses data from social networks to rank websites in the search engine regardless whether the link is dofollow or nofollow. When someone reads and article on your site and if he/she shares it in a group/page or on his public timeline, this link will be considered as...

Pro Blogger Daniel Scocco Shares his Internet Marketing Tips


There are millions, maybe even billions of different blogs on the internet, with new blogs being created every minute. Blogging is still a relatively new realm to the internet, and people are just started to discover it’s power-first hand. Daniel Scocco, the creator and main blogger on the site Daily Blog Tips runs a few very popular blogs on the web. Some could call him a professional... – Easily share your Flickr Photos on Twitter


Twitter has become one of the largest web 2.0 applications on the web today, in comparison with Facebook, MySpace, and Digg. Along with this, Flickr has become a giant web app where users can share their photos. However, with the use of you are now able to post your Flickr photos right to your Twitter account! I have an interview with the site’s founder Marco Almeida, in...

Visual Composer Review


Visual Composer is a drag-and-drop WordPress website builder that makes it easy for anyone to create beautiful layouts without touching any code. It’s perfect for people who want to design their own websites and don’t have the time, knowledge, or patience to learn how to use complicated website building tools. You can customize your site with Visual Composer in a few clicks or by...

Understanding the Role of Kubernetes in Application Development


Traditional software application development depended upon a mirroring of all conditions across launch environments including the supporting hardware structure and configuration, the operating system, and the asset files. Even slight variations between the development environment and the launch environment can result in application error or failure. This model of software development and launch...

Setting up a Local SVN Container for your AppWorks Development Environment


This is post 2 of 4 in the series “OpenText AppWorks” A series of easy to follow articles introducing the AppWorks platform, standing up a local development environment, and developing within the low-code toolset. Standing up OpenText AppWorks 20.2 Docker Containers in 10 Minutes Setting up a Local SVN Container for your AppWorks Development Environment Low-Code Development with...

Spanish Language Learning Resources


This past September (2019) I decided I would make a commitment to making language learning a daily part of my life. As it so happened, my job also changed around this time, increasing my commute time and therefore bringing a new opportunity to use this time wisely. Since then, I have completed all five levels of Pimsleur Spanish and coupled my study with several other programs. My approach seems...

Regular Expressions in JavaScript


In programming, there are many ways to work with strings. A performant way to work with them is through the use of Regular expressions, also known as Regex. By using regular expressions, you can search for a substring within a string, replace a substring within a string, and extract information from that string. Regular expressions are supported in almost every language. There can be small...

Top Ten Angular Extensions for Visual Studio Code


If you’ve been doing any development in Angular, the chances are you have been using Visual Studio Code (VS Code) for your editor. If you haven’t been using Visual Studio Code, I highly recommend checking it out. There are a number of extensions that I have come to rely on that greatly simplify my development workflow listed below. I’ve included my favorite top ten with their...

Object-Oriented Programming Demystified


Object-oriented programming (OOP) is the most common programming type and an essential part of popular programming languages, such as Java, C++ and C#. Its name offers an insight into how OOP languages work, which is by revolving around objects and using objects to get things done. The term object refers to a chunk of code that acts together as a whole and can be reused at any time, as well as...

Learning to Program in TIC-80, a Fantasy Console


If you’re 40 years old or older, you might have learned how to use a computer on an old Commodore 64, Apple II or another computer about the same age. One of the things you probably learned about was the BASIC programming language. Maybe you were lucky enough to have a computer at home. One thing you probably learned was that if you wanted to play games, one way was to buy computer...

Facebook Marketplace vs Craigslist: Which site is better?


After destroying MySpace, Orkut, Flickr and several other internet companies. FB is now after Craigslist, Olx, Kijiji, and 100s of other classified listing sites. The social networking giant opened its marketplace for everyone using FB. The new feature has not gone well with people using this site just for fun. But it has been received well by business owners using Facebook. Is FB’s new...

About Author

Ian Carnaghan

I am a software developer and online educator who likes to keep up with all the latest in technology. I also manage cloud infrastructure, continuous monitoring, DevOps processes, security, and continuous integration and deployment.

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