How Can We Help?
mount -t cifs -o username=YOURUSERNAME,password=YOUPASSWORD //server_name_or_ip/folder_to_mount /mnt/folder_to_mount_to/
By using the above command and by replacing the relevant fields with your details, you should be able to mount your Samba Share on Linux
- mount = mounts a filesystem
- -t = Used to indicate the filesystem type, in this case cifs
- cifs = Common Internet Filesystem
- YOURUSERNAME = Replace with your Samba Share Username
- YOURPASSWORD = Replace with your Samba Share Password
- server_name_or_ip = Replace with your Server name or IP address
- folder_to_mount = Network share name/ folder
- /mnt/folder_to_mount_to = The folder on the Linux machine you wish to mount the Drive to. Ensure that this folder exists