The decision tree application is currently a work-in-progress. The main source files can be downloaded here: Source Files. The current demo is non-functional and only shows a subset of the application, which will be developed in the upcoming weeks: Demo Application (Work in progress)
Number and Password Problems
The following are my responses to a series of simple PHP problems (attached in the Word File). I needed to review Doyle (2010) chapters 9 and 10 which cover form submission and session variables in order to complete these exercises. I also leaned on chapter 18 which goes into depth on regular expressions to assist with pattern recognition.
More PHP String Functions
This is post 7 of 7 in the series “PHP Basics” An introductory series to PHP development Dynamic Websites Introduction to PHP Data Types, Variables and Constants Conditional Statements and Looping PHP Language Basics Strings More PHP String Functions This week I rewrote one of the PHP tasks from earlier and created a new function to emulate the functionality of str_pad. The...
This is post 6 of 7 in the series “PHP Basics” An introductory series to PHP development Dynamic Websites Introduction to PHP Data Types, Variables and Constants Conditional Statements and Looping PHP Language Basics Strings More PHP String Functions PHP provides many different functions for manipulating strings. Some of the more common functions are provided here, however for a...
PHP Language Basics
This is post 5 of 7 in the series “PHP Basics” An introductory series to PHP development Dynamic Websites Introduction to PHP Data Types, Variables and Constants Conditional Statements and Looping PHP Language Basics Strings More PHP String Functions This week I have been focusing on the first few chapters of Doyle (2010), specifically on PHP language basics, decisions and...
Conditional Statements and Looping
This is post 4 of 7 in the series “PHP Basics” An introductory series to PHP development Dynamic Websites Introduction to PHP Data Types, Variables and Constants Conditional Statements and Looping PHP Language Basics Strings More PHP String Functions Conditional statements (or decisions) and loops make up a good portion of programming code in general. I am familiar with these...
Data Types, Variables and Constants
This is post 3 of 7 in the series “PHP Basics” An introductory series to PHP development Dynamic Websites Introduction to PHP Data Types, Variables and Constants Conditional Statements and Looping PHP Language Basics Strings More PHP String Functions Variables in PHP are similar to define and use as with other programming languages. PHP uses loose typed variables, in other...
Introduction to PHP
This is post 2 of 7 in the series “PHP Basics” An introductory series to PHP development Dynamic Websites Introduction to PHP Data Types, Variables and Constants Conditional Statements and Looping PHP Language Basics Strings More PHP String Functions This week I have been reading the first five chapters of Beginning PHP 5.3, Doyle (2010). Chapter 1 gave a good overview of PHP...
Dynamic Websites
This is post 1 of 7 in the series “PHP Basics” An introductory series to PHP development Dynamic Websites Introduction to PHP Data Types, Variables and Constants Conditional Statements and Looping PHP Language Basics Strings More PHP String Functions This summer I have enrolled in a Dynamic Websites independent study for my graduate program. The course will focus mainly on...