
Best free WordPress spam blocker plugins


As WordPress content management system has a commenting and trackback system, it’s always on the target of spammers. Trackback links are added below the post content. A spammer who wants his website or YouTube videos to rank high in Google or Bing will drop useless comments with some URLs. If you’re allowing dofollow backlinks, link juice will be transferred to the commentators...

Best free WordPress themes that are responsive


Last month, Google had rolled out its mobile friendly algorithm update. As a part of Google’s strategy to improve the user experience of search engine users, websites that were not having responsive design or websites whose theme was not mobile friendly were penalized. Immediately after the Google algorithm update, Bing updated its search algorithm to improve rankings of responsive and...

Commentluv review : WP plugin to increase referral traffic


Commentluv is a powerful WordPress plugin that comes in 2 versions – free & paid. The free version can be found in WordPress.org directory, and it has limited features. The premium or paid variant of CommentLuv offers many interesting and useful utilities that help a webmaster in many ways. When paid or free version of this plugin is active on a blog, visitors will be able to add any of the...

How to auto generate meta description tag in WordPress blogs


When it comes to blogging and search engine optimization, no other on-page element is as important as title and meta descriptions. According to Google webmaster guidelines, every page on a WordPress blog must have unique meta description and title. If you don’t follow this guideline, your site won’t rank well in search engines, and if you’ve verified your blog with Google...

Best solution to gravatar redirect chain problem on wp blogs


Gravatar is one of the top software products of Automatic. It is used on 1000s of WordPress content management powered blogs. With this service, commentators are allowed to add their profile image that will appear alongside their comment on WordPress blogs. Gravatar is useful in many ways. It can increase user engagement on sites, and it saves a little bit of bandwidth because the...

Fixing WordPress dashboard not working, showing up properly issue


WordPress is no doubt better than many other blogging platforms. As it is a self-hosted CMS, you’ll have to manage the site yourself. When you encounter technical issues, you or any other person with good knowledge of PHP, WP, htaccess, CSS should solve the problem. Blogger is user-friendly but it cannot be customized as WordPress. Technical issues in Blogger platform is handled by Google...

Easiest way to create SEO friendly WordPress slideshows


Slideshows are attractive, aren’t they? Blogs with slideshows have a very less bounce rate, high level of user engagement and better conversion rate. Many webmasters embed a picture slideshow in their sites. This makes users spend more time on the sites which in turn increases its search engine rankings. If you want to use an online tool to create slides, there’s no better tool than...

Move WordPress site from one server to another with no downtime


I’ve managed to move my WordPress site from one server to another a couple of times with 0 seconds downtime and no loss of traffic. For a newbie, the transfer process can take almost an hour. For an experienced guy, the time will be reduced to 20 or 25 minutes. Migrating a WordPress site is impossible if you’re using a slow internet connection. So make sure that you’re a...

Best WordPress security and malware removal plugins


WordPress CMS has been prone to many online threats ever since Matt Mullenweg and the team officially launched it. The content management system is impressive, but you can’t stop hackers from attacking websites powered by WP. Attacks can be prevented by installing a WordPress security plugin. If the internet is the only source of your income, you shouldn’t risk your site. There are a...

EWWW image optimizer reduces JPG, PNG file size on WP blogs


Reducing jpg, png file size on self-hosted WordPress blogs will not only improve its load time but it will also increase the search engine rankings of your post. Google considers site speed as a ranking factor. There are two ways to reduce picture size before uploading to your blog. Install a standalone Windows or Linux software that will resize images or use a WP plugin. The 2nd option is better...

Best keyword density checker for WordPress (2018)


My technology blog was penalized at least 4 to 5 times. In my initial days of blogging career, I was not aware of terms like keyword density, on page SEO, backlinks, etc. I indulged myself in link building activities, and I was not focused on sharing top quality content. These three blogging mistakes killed my blog’s traffic up to 70 to 80%. As they say, we learn from our mistakes and hard...

Autoptimize vs Better WordPress minify plugins


Page load times of WordPress CMS powered blogs can decrease if webmasters start using a caching plugin. The two most widely used plugins for caching are W3TC and WordPress super cache. These 2 plugins create static HTML files from all of your blog posts and it saves these files to the cache folder on a disk. WordPress saves blog posts in database tables. When a search engine or a visitor requests...

Best WordPress Related Posts Plugins (2018)


Related posts plugins on blogs are useful in many ways. All blogs powered with WordPress content management system use them. They improve the internal linking structure of your website. They also help in reducing bounce rate of a website. These plugins can be configured to show related posts on the sidebar as a widget. They can show relevant posts above or below a blog post with or without...

Best WordPress social media plugins (2018)


There was a time when search engines like MSN, Bing, Yahoo, and Google were considered as the only source of website traffic. Now things have changed a lot. Social network sites like FB, Twitter, Google+ are used by billions of people across the world. When you have a good audience on sites like Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, Instagram, you don’t have to depend on search engines for...

Working tricks to reduce bandwidth usage for a site


If you’ve signed up for a limited hosting limited plan, then follow the below tricks/methods to reduce the bandwidth usage for your site. I’ve successfully implemented the below tricks in one of my site, and the bandwidth usage has reduced by 25 percent. Reduce Image size Using large images of a site can kill hosting bandwidth within a week unless you’re signed up for an...

Useful Blogging and Writings Tips from Blogussion


I’ve been a huge fan of Blogussion for a long time now. For those who don’t know, they’re a quality blog in regards to blogging tips, writing techniques, time management and focusing on goals of making money online through blogging. There are many others in this niche (ProBlogger comes to mind), but nobody really delves deeply into details and provides as much useful information...

About Author

Ian Carnaghan

I am a software developer and online educator who likes to keep up with all the latest in technology. I also manage cloud infrastructure, continuous monitoring, DevOps processes, security, and continuous integration and deployment.

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