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Illuminate is the code name for a curriculum mapping project I am currently developing as part of my Doctoral thesis.  I will be using this part of the blog to document my progress as development progresses.  My plan is to have a version 1 of Illuminate completed by the spring of 2014.

Cultural Values and Moral Legitimacy


In a paper that discussed various cyber-crimes throughout the years carried out by juveniles, Radnofsky (2006) points us to the seriousness of these types of threats.  The paper discusses the importance of changing cyber-culture through education and points to education through safety, security and ethics. 

Cost and Challenges with E-Government


There is no doubt that E-Government provides conveniences today that many take for granted, however there is an underlying cost for these services.  First of all, government sites are attractive targets for malicious activities, whether or not this involves deliberate disruption of service, or the stealing of sensitive information for profit. 

Cybercrime: Law Enforcement and E-Government Transnational Issues


During his 2013 State of the Union address, President Obama highlighted the importance of defending our nation from the many cyber threats that are continuing to dominate the news cycles. Just days prior to the President’s speech, eighteen people were charged in a massive credit card fraud ring. The Associated Press (2013) described it as a “sprawling international scam that duped credit-rating...

Security Policies


Bosworth et al (2009) stress the importance of formality that should be adopted when creating an ethics policy.  They emphasize that clear documentation, clear motivation, clear sanctions, and clear management support at every level, including the top, are all important pieces of an effective policy. 

Risks, Threats and Vulnerabilities


According to SANS (2009) attacks against websites and web applications constitute more than 60% of total attacks observed on the internet.  The risk of attack is generally based on the probability that a threat of some kind will exploit a vulnerability or weakness in a system or network.  In recent years risks have been taken more seriously with many businesses that conduct online...

Challenges Policy Makers face to Counter Cybercrime


Pfleeger (2005) reminds us that modern cyber-criminals can often be individuals that are difficult to detect.  They “wear business suits, have university degrees, and appear to be pillars of their communities.”  In addition to this, because of the wide spread accessibility to the internet and communications, it makes it easier for these criminals to operate in groups spread across the...

Altas Rubicon Exploratory Eye Tracking Research


In December 2012, an eye tracking study was conducted with six participants in order to test the overall usability of a commercially available curriculum mapping application called Atlas Rubicon.  The results of this research helped determine some areas of interest that have helped shape the ExpeditionMapper project in terms of search, browse and general information retrieval.  

Decision Tree Outline


The decision tree application is currently a work-in-progress.  The main source files can be downloaded here: Source Files.  The current demo is non-functional and only shows a subset of the application, which will be developed in the upcoming weeks: Demo Application (Work in progress)

Number and Password Problems


The following are my responses to a series of simple PHP problems (attached in the Word File).  I needed to review Doyle (2010) chapters 9 and 10 which cover form submission and session variables in order to complete these exercises.  I also leaned on chapter 18 which goes into depth on regular expressions to assist with pattern recognition.

More PHP String Functions


This week I rewrote one of the PHP tasks from earlier and created a new function to emulate the functionality of str_pad.  The function I wrote accepts a text string parameter, length, a reverse parameter (for padding on left or right) and finally an optional symbol parameter to show where the padding is happening.  In addition to this I have outlined what I am planning on developing...



PHP provides many different functions for manipulating strings.  Some of the more common functions are provided here, however for a full listing of all the available string functions see .

Conditional Statements and Looping


Conditional statements (or decisions) and loops make up a good portion of programming code in general.  I am familiar with these concepts though other languages, however I have never programmed them in PHP.  This week I have been reviewing the first 5 chapters of Beginning PHP 5.3, which has been giving me a good solid introduction to PHP.

Data Types, Variables and Constants


Variables in PHP are similar to define and use as with other programming languages.  PHP uses loose typed variables, in other words they do not have to be defined specifically as a datatype upon initialization and can be changed to other data types using expressions.

Introduction to PHP


This week I have been reading the first five chapters of Beginning PHP 5.3, Doyle (2010).  Chapter 1 gave a good overview of PHP and it’s advantages.  It drew comparisons to other programming languages, which I found interesting coming from a ColdFusion background.

Dynamic Websites


This summer I have enrolled in a Dynamic Websites independent study for my graduate program.  The course will focus mainly on developing PHP programming skills, something I have been lacking and interested in developing for some time.

Cybersecurity as a Public Good


Over the last decade, the boom of the Internet has had a major impact on the way we interact with other individuals and business entities.  Products and services have become available at the touch of a button and access to vast amounts of information has become available to anyone with a direct connection to the web.  Much correspondence, which was traditionally mailed through the...

About Author

Ian Carnaghan

I am a software developer and online educator who likes to keep up with all the latest in technology. I also manage cloud infrastructure, continuous monitoring, DevOps processes, security, and continuous integration and deployment.

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