Search results fornewspaper

Evaluation of a Major News Website From a Human Cognitive Perspective


Over the last decade, a shift has occurred in the way many people access, read and watch current events and news.  From the traditional newspapers and scheduled television news programs, we have moved to a more dynamic interactive medium, which dispenses information in a real-time format.  News websites are a fairly young media; however they have evolved exponentially since the late 1990s to the...

The Evolution of Internet Service Providers


The Internet has grown beyond a simple tool for a small number of education and government agencies over the last few years. The commercialization of the Internet has opened a brand new market for small, medium and large commercial bodies to provide access to this huge network of opportunity for business and home users alike. These companies are the sole providers of access to the ‘Information...

ITS Internet Case Study


This is post 2 of 6 in the series “Evolution of Internet Service Providers” The Future of ISPs ITS Internet Case Study Security Issues to be Addressed by ISPs ISPs Currently in Today’s Changing Market Development of the Internet & Service Providers Evolution of ISPs Introduction It has been surprising to see the amount of small Internet based companies that have ‘made it big’...

About Author

Ian Carnaghan

I am a software developer and online educator who likes to keep up with all the latest in technology. I also manage cloud infrastructure, continuous monitoring, DevOps processes, security, and continuous integration and deployment.

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