MailBrowser – Simple Gmail Plugin for Managing your Contacts


For a long, long time have I been looking for a great Plugin for Gmail to help manage my contacts. I send a lot of e-mails to a lot of different people, and it’s difficult to sort through all of my mail and attachments without getting lost in the thousands upon thousands of messages. However with the new browser plug-in MailBrowser, it’s actually pretty simple.

Currently only supported on Firefox and Internet Explorer, the plugin seems to run perfectly and works on mostly all OS’ (Windows XP/Vista/7, Mac OSX, haven’t tried any Linux distros). It makes managing mail, contacts, and attachments so much easier than before, and the side panel is easily collapsible for more space.

It’s a free download to install the software, and it’s currently heavily supported in development for bugs and fixes. You can see more features from the plug-in on its features page, and I’m sure there’s even more to come.

Included on the site is a short 5-minute demo video. Check it out below, it shows you some hands-on work with the plugin and demonstrates just how handy it can be. I’ve never been able to manage my Gmail better, I truly hope to see some very big advancements with MailBrowser coming soon.

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Inside The Webb

Inside the Webb is a blog based on new and popular web 2.0 sites, and all things social media. Here at the site, we try to collect all of the information we can on some of the most intriguing websites out there. We often publish many interviews throughout the months, all exclusive interviews with founders and developers of new social web apps.

About Author

Ian Carnaghan

I am a software developer and online educator who likes to keep up with all the latest in technology. I also manage cloud infrastructure, continuous monitoring, DevOps processes, security, and continuous integration and deployment.

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