Microsoft Office 2010 Outlook has some New Digs


With Microsoft’s official release of Office 2010 being pushed out of Beta, I’m excited to see where they plan on going next. I’ve been running 2010 beta since they released them for download months ago, and I’ve been more than pleased with all of it! The biggest noticeable change is with Outlook, my favorite e-mail client.

I currently run 4 inboxes through Outlook, and all of them are easily organized and simple to keep track of. The newest features in Outlook allow for so much customization in signatures, plus it makes writing e-mails and managing your contact list a breeze. I’ve got nothing but good things to say about the new Outlook, I’m curious if anyone else is running it?

The main changes you’ll notice is first the new File menu. Instead of having a drop-down list of options, there is now a tab labeled “File” in the top-left corner. This is where you can go to customize or add new accounts, edit options in Outlook, any many other behind the scenes tasks.

You can also customize the heading panel near the tip-top of the page with any buttons you need. This means you can add the Print button, New E-mail button, and Edit Account Options to the very top of Outlook. This makes them just 1 click away, saving you precious time and patience needing to go through countless hours of menus.

Another really big feature I like, although not as important, is the themes. The default Outlook theme blends amazingly with the rest of Office, and you can even change it to suit your style. I am running the darker theme as it’s easier on my eyes, and it makes typing letters much simpler and skimming text is a flash.

If you’re interested you can still check out Office 2010 beta at Microsoft’s official beta page. If you haven’t checked it out yet I recommend at least watching some demo videos or screenshots, you may just be amazed at what MS has in store.

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Inside The Webb

Inside the Webb is a blog based on new and popular web 2.0 sites, and all things social media. Here at the site, we try to collect all of the information we can on some of the most intriguing websites out there. We often publish many interviews throughout the months, all exclusive interviews with founders and developers of new social web apps.

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Ian Carnaghan

I am a software developer and online educator who likes to keep up with all the latest in technology. I also manage cloud infrastructure, continuous monitoring, DevOps processes, security, and continuous integration and deployment.

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