
Data Elements Review and Reporting


Today a short meeting was held to discuss the overall progress of the prototype to date and demonstrate the key functionality to the EL representative for the school.  Comments were made on how further improvements could be made to the data collection part of the system.  The group is going to review the prototype over the next week further and share feedback at our next meeting.  

Non-Expedition Subject Areas


This sprint continued discussion of non-expeditions.  This week we focused primarily on restructuring the prototype to correctly integrate subject areas that do not fall under the typical expedition.  The home page was refined further and several changes were made to the math non-expedition subject area created for prototype 4.  

FSW and Winter Terms


The purpose of this meeting was to finalize the data-entry sections of the system by further describing functionality specifically on non-expedition semesters.  Non-expeditions were discussed both as FSW / Winter term as well as other subject areas or strands of the curriculum delivered in parallel to expeditions.  The majority of this meeting focused on refining prototype 3 further by improving...

Defining Expeditions


This meeting focused on prototype 3 and refining the structural breakdown of expeditions and their sub-components.  New terminology was introduced to describe the various elements of semester based expeditions and non-expeditions and certain elements were re-positioned within the data-entry screens.

About Author

Ian Carnaghan

I am a software developer and online educator who likes to keep up with all the latest in technology. I also manage cloud infrastructure, continuous monitoring, DevOps processes, security, and continuous integration and deployment.

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