This sprint continued discussion of non-expeditions. This week we focused primarily on restructuring the prototype to correctly integrate subject areas that do not fall under the typical expedition. The home page was refined further and several changes were made to the math non-expedition subject area created for prototype 4.
User Stories
- Users should be able to add and manage units or strands within non-expedition subject areas.
Task Items
- Rename home page area to ‘My Curriculum’ and refine expeditions / icons.
- Order the non-expedition subject areas in alphabetical order.
- Indicate mandatory fields in the expeditions.
- Create non-expedition subject areas placeholder page where units / strands can be added.
- Add strand page based on expedition except not all areas will be mandatory.
- Add ability to create new sections within a strand.
- Remove Summative and Formative Assessments from expeditions and non-expedition subject areas and integrate into STA instead.
- Add new assessment lightbox for STA – should also accommodate attachments.
- Refine habits placeholder / add rationale and drop-down selection for habits.
- Create placeholders for all expedition selections – spring, fall, etc.
Audio Recording of Meeting