How Can We Help?
Solution 1
Upgrade your MySql server. After the upgrade reboot the server
mysql_upgrade -u root -p --force
systemctl restart mysqld
Solution 2
This solution is not permanent. After the next reboot of the MySql server all changes will be lost.
mysql -u app -p
mysql> set @@global.show_compatibility_56=ON;
Solution 3
This solution is permanent. Locate and edit your MySql config file: my.cnf
Under the [mysqld] config section add the following line:
show_compatibility_56 = ON
port = 3306
show_compatibility_56 = ON
Restart your MySql Server
show_compatibility_56 is deprecated because its only purpose is to permit control over deprecated system and status variable information sources that will be removed in a future MySQL release. When those sources are removed, show_compatibility_56 will have no purpose and will be removed as well.