How Can We Help?
- Open Microsoft Outlook 2010
- Click on File -> Options -> Mail -> Signatures
- Create a New signature and give it a name that can easily be identified later, leave all text blank
- Now while still having MS Outlook 2010 open, open Windows Explorer or Computer and navigate to C:\Users\YOURLOGINUSERNAME\AppData\Roamin\Microsoft\SignaturesNote that this folder is a hidden folder so it might not be visible. You will need to enable the Show Hidden Folders options in Windows Explorer
- Within the Signatures folder open the file named as you named it in Step 3 with the HTML file extension in Notepad. E.g MySignature.html
- Copy your HTML Signature to this file and Save it
- Return to Microsoft Outlook 2010
- Under File -> Options -> Mail -> Signatures select your Signature and you will notice it’s formatted exactly like your HTML file